Sunday, October 25, 2009

Panasonic TH-50PX80U Absolutely brilliant - stunning picture with uncompressed HD content

I've been thinking about getting a HDTV for some time now, but have been price-watching and comparing, afraid to make a commitment - confounded by the same worry that accompanies all large electronics purchases : What if the price drops immediately after I buy the TV? What if it's not so great as everyone else describes? Can I trust an online "deal"?

Because I consider myself as very picky about what I buy in terms of quality - but also frugal to some extent, I would endlessly walk around stores, to see if I could spot a winner at a reasonable price. One note of caution: Be wary about picking a TV merely based on its performance in a store. The lighting is rarely similar to that in your living room and the color, contrast and brightness are turned way up to grab your attention. The LCD TVs show better in brightly lit stores because their bright vivid displays attract but blow out the finer details. What drew my eye on two separate occasions (without first noticing the brand) was the Panasonic plasma TVs. The black level and the sheer clarity for a 720p TV, even up close, seemed superior to the other more expensive and 1080p TVs surrounding it. The color and brightness didn't seem like it was turned up, but the picture was stunning nonetheless.

When I came back home and plugged the model number into Google, I was amazed at the positive reviews about the Th-50PX80U from everyone who had bought it. When I price checked on Froogle, I was amazed to see the price was at around $1,198 at Amazon including shipping (but not white glove service). There were only 2 left at that price so I bit the bullet and bought it. Electronics Expo (the actual seller) was very pleasant to deal with and saw that the TV was delivered within 4-5 days - I upgraded to the white glove service and the delivery men unpacked the TV and installed it on the stand.

To be honest, when I first turned it on, I had it connected to the Std Definition (480p) content, and of course that is always unimpressive on a 50 inch screen (imagine your current TV stretched to that big and that wide) - however when I switched to the HD content from the Comcast DVR, it was like night and day.

I'll say this - the TH-50PX80U looks best when connected to an uncompressed 720p HD source like a DVD player. Most of the content that comes in on cable HD especially Comcast is somewhat compressed to maximize bandwidth and as a result you will see blocky patches and artifacts where the signal has compromised on detail and averaged those pixels. For a plasma screen this size, it also looks best in a fairly dark room and about 8 to 9 feet away - though even if you walk up close, it's incredibly clear and tack sharp. What's amusing about the HD signal is that it's so sharp and detailed that what I thought was patchy skintones is actually the texture of the actual make-up - yes it's that clear!

I would definitely recommend this TV for those who want a large clear plasma TV with great color and picture quality.

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